Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) drops the plan to lease trains for phase-II project.
The expansion of Metro Phase-II is planned with a network length of 118.9 km with 128 stations. It consists of three corridors, namely Corridor-3 — from Madhavaram to SIPCOT (45.8 km), Corridor-4 — from Lighthouse to Poonamalle Bypass (26.1 km), and Corridor-5 — from Madhavaram at Sholinganallur (47 km).
The estimated cost of the project is Rs 63,246 crore.
The Chennai Metro Rail’s second phase entails the operation of 537 coaches on three corridors by 2035, as per the detailed project report.
CMRL had plans to lease 126 coaches or 42 three-coach trains for their upcoming project. Unfortunately, CMRL’s Expression of Interest for this work received a poor response, with only one or two firms showing interest.
As a result, the organisation hired a consultant to conduct a study. The consultant has advised against leasing trains, stating that it may not work for this project, according to CMRL official.
CMRL intended to reduce the Phase-II project’s capital cost, which is essentially why leasing trains was suggested. The project cost was reduced from Rs 88,000 crore to Rs 61,843 crore as a result of a number of actions they took in the past, including the decision to lease part of the trains.
For instance, compared to the Phase-I project, the size of the stations of Phase-II has been reduced significantly — the size of stations was reduced from 220 m in Phase-I to 150 m in Phase-II. Similarly, each station will only have two entry and departure ports in Phase-II, as opposed to four in each station in Phase-I.
CMRL now plans to procure 42 trains soon and has requested funds from an international bank for the purchase of 126 coaches. Although no promises have been made by the bank, CMRL remains optimistic and will issue a tender for the purchase of the trains in the near future, as per The Hindu report.
About 414 coaches or 138 trains will initially be needed in order to conduct operations as planned by the end of 2025. CMRL will operate three coach trains in Phase-II for the first few years and then, depending on demand, will add six coach trains in the future.

The Phase-I of Chennai metro consists of a 54.1 km network with two corridors (which is, Corridor-1 from Wimco Nagar to Airport and Corridor-2 from Chennai Central to St. Thomas Mount).
There are 41 stations, of which, 21 are underground and 20 elevated. The entire Phase-I is fully operational.