Currently, Sikkim is dependent solely on NH-10A from Siliguri. The highway gets disrupted due to frequent landslides during monsoons. The new railway line will provide all weather connectivity to Sikkim.
The Sivok-Rangpo Rail Project has reached a significant milestone with the successful breakthrough of tunnel number 11 (T-11). The T-11 is the longest tunnel of the project’s14 tunnels.
Sikkim will get its first rail network connection once the project is finished. The rail link project connects West Bengal’s Sivok with Sikkim’s Rangpo.
T-11 is the sixth tunnel to make progress. The main tunnel is 3,205 metres long, while the evacuation tunnel is 960 metres long. The tunnel is located between Tarkhola and Tumlangkhola in West Bengal’s Kalimpong district.
The construction of the tunnel is a challenging task for engineers. The main tunnel traverses through vulnerable, challenging geological and seismic conditions of the Himalayan areas. In a bid to counter the vulnerability of the groundmass, the NATM or New Austrian Tunneling Method was followed, reports Financial Express.
The Evacuation Tunnel, which connects National Highway 10 and main Tunnel number 11, was finished in December 2022. After the completion of approach roads and portal development work on both sides, mining operations in the tunnel began in February 2020.
The Sivok-Rangpo rail project is approximately 45 kilometres long and includes 14 tunnels, 22 bridges, and 5 railway stations.
Out of its total length, 38.65 km (86 per cent) is in tunnels, 2.24 km (5 per cent) in bridges and just 4.79 km (9 per cent) length in open cutting or filling of station yards.
About 67 per of the tunnelling is completed so far, according to Indian Railways.
Bringing Sikkim on the Railways Map!
Breakthrough was achieved in Tunnel 11 (3205 m), which is the longest tunnel to date on the Sivok Rangpo Rail line Project (45 km).This represents finished work in 6 of the 14 tunnels & 67% of the total tunnelling work.
— Ministry of Railways (@RailMinIndia) January 24, 2023
Long Delay
The 45-km-long rail line project was included in the Union Budget of 2008. The foundation stone for the project was laid down by then Railway minister, Mamata Banerjee, in 2009 and was supposed to be completed by 2015.

However, the project remained stalled due to delays in land acquisition and forest clearances.
The work of rail connectivity made quick progress after Prime Minister Narendra Modi ticked off officials from the railways and the West Bengal government in early 2021.
The government has set December 2023 as the deadline for this crucial North East connectivity project.
Currently, Sikkim is dependent solely on NH-10A from Siliguri. The highway gets disrupted due to frequent landslides during monsoons. The new railway line will provide all weather connectivity to Sikkim.
Once completed, the national project is expected to boost connectivity of the land locked state which shares its borders with three neighbouring countries – China, Nepal and Bhutan apart from being strategically important.
This project will provide strategic advantage to the defence forces of India and also foster increased commerce, tourism and transportation while opening up new economic opportunities.